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Curriculum & Activities


Think Right Schoolss adopt and implement the Nigerian curriculum and promote experiential model of learning that equips our learners for examinations and life-long skills to prepare them for the future. Our approach to preschool, basic and secondary education is built around the concept that children are born ready to learn and learners can succeed with the right environment and resources. We strive to create learning environment that is safe, stimulating and encouraging. The following principles serve as the foundation for our teaching and interaction philosophy:

  • Learners develop knowledge of their world through active interactions with teachers, parents, peers, materials, and events.
  • Learning is sequential, building on prior understandings and experiences
  • Learning proceeds at different rates in each area and each child; learners will show a range of skills and understandings in any one area of development
  • Learning in each area is interconnected. Learners learn best through experiences, which incorporate several areas of development
  • Learning is embedded in a culture. Learners learn best when their learning activities are rooted in a familiar cultural context
  • Learning begins in the family, continues in school and educational settings, and depends on parent involvement and teacher's guidance
  • All learners have the potential to achieve the Think Right Schoolss’ pre set educational standards with appropriate supports and instruction.

English Language Standards

Think Right Schoolss is an English-medium educational institution and formal and informal communication in the School premises is in English Language. Subjects are taught and examined orally and in writing using English Language except Yoruba Language, French Language (or any other international languages taught) which are delivered as subjects in their original languages. The School does not regard Nigerian Languages as vernacular but encourage the students to speak and learn English Language without disrespecting or disparaging other Languages.

Academic Calendar

he School is guided by the academic calendar issued annually on a term by-term basis by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology in Ogun State. The School’s Academic Calendar will be made available to parents within one week of resumption every term.